
Showing 1 to 7 of 17 posts.

Success Story of Sadhu Singh

After his success with cabbage and cauliflower, Sadhu Singh has now become an ardent follower of our STEP System. The benefits this eco friendly system offers have never ceased to amaze him. His latest success has come about with brinjal.


Success on Cabbage and Cauliflower

When farmers take ownership of a new idea or technology, then it means they have really benefited from it and have taken it to heart. This is an instance of how our STEP System is now being popularized by farmers themselves.


Success Story of Jeeta Singh

Farmers in the village of Gihri Butter near Bathinda had traditionally grown green chillies for supplying to the nearby city. This crop was grown over 250 acres in this village but over the years, farmers faced the onslaught of deadly soil borne fungi which decimated their yields. They tried all possible fungicides available in the markets but the disease would recur in a more serious form after every application of chemical fungicides, this rendered the cultivation of this hitherto profitable crop, unviable. This saw the decline in acreages of chillies in this village to just 20 acres.



Gurmail Singh's Onions

Gurmail Singh of village Lalliana , near Rama Mandi in Punjab had been using our products on capsicum for the last 1 year, he had come to develop a high regard for the company and our products Biovac, Regalis granules, Ek Boond, Helios, Bheema and Regalis Liquid which had enabled him to raise the quality and production of his capsicum.


Success Story of Rawal Singh

Rawal Singh is a progressive farmer from village Nathana in Punjab who took to growing vegetables over 10 acres to supplement his income from rice and wheat.

He cultivates chillies, bitter gourds, brinjals and cabbages in rotation through the year.


Capsicums of Raman Mandi

The village of Lalliana near Raman Mandi had been famous in the region for growing capsicum. Each year over 300 acres of the crop was traditionally grown in the village. However, virulent strains of leaf curl virus together with soil borne fungal pathogens like Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Phytophthora had decimated the crop and farmers had been forced to grow cereals which at least offered some returns. By the year 2010, the area under capsicum had declined to a mere 35 acres.



Success Story of Harcharan Singh

Potatoes are one of the most important staple food crops of the world and the late blight of potato caused by Phytophthora infestans is a traditional scourge of the crop. A disease which has altered the course of world history in the past – the infamous, late blight of potato.